bangladesh shopup ventures 100m singhtechcrunch

ShopUp is a company passionate about helping small businesses succeed. We believe that small businesses are the backbone of our economy and the foundation of vibrant, local communities. That’s why we created ShopUp, a platform to make it easier for shoppers to find and support small, locally-owned businesses in their neighborhoods.

With ShopUp, it’s easy for shoppers to discover new, trusted independently owned stores near where they live or work. We want people to make conscious decisions about spending and keep their hard-earned money in their communities.

ShopUp is extremely user friendly and puts the control into customers’ hands by allowing them to filter according to neighborhood, type of business, event hours at stores and even more. Each shop can be customized with photos, videos, analysis and descriptions so customers can get an in-depth view of what they might like before they even step inside.

We know that if small businesses succeed, everyone wins; which is why we are committed to providing an innovative way for local business owners to build loyal customer bases online while making it easier for consumers to buy from them too – no matter their location or time of day!

ShopUp gets $75 million from Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures, Prosus and others

ShopUp, founded in 2018, is a leading e-commerce platform for small businesses in emerging markets. Recently, the startup secured $75 million in funding from Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures, Prosus and other investors to become one of 2021’s biggest funding rounds.

ShopUp is committed to helping small businesses grow and succeed, enabling them to access a global market and increase their sales through their digital presence. In this article, we will look closely at ShopUp and what it offers.

What is ShopUp?

ShopUp is an all-in-one eCommerce platform to help small and medium businesses succeed digitally. ShopUp offers businesses a one-stop solution to quickly set up their online store, maximize sales growth, and manage their day-to-day operations from a single console.

Our goal is to provide users with the tools and guidance needed to expand their business’ reach further than ever before. With a comprehensive suite of products, ranging from payment processing and digital marketing messaging, ShopUp enables the modern shopkeeper to become more productive, efficient, and profitable than ever before.

Thanks to our feature-rich dashboard, you can easily customize your online store’s design or manage customer accounts straight from your browser. You can also take advantage of our integrated payments platform and integrate with other popular third-party services such as QuickBooks or Google Analytics—all without leaving your dashboard!

ShopUp also provides expert advice on making the most of your growing business. Our team of eCommerce experts are available 24/7 to answer all your questions related to setting up stores, optimizing sales campaigns (emailing & text messaging), website optimization tips & tricks—and so much more! We ensure that our customers have all the resources they need to maximize potential sales growth; exactly how our users define it! On top of that, we offer an unbeatable pricing plan that helps users save money while taking full advantage of ShopUp’s features & capabilities.

So start scaling your business today with user-friendly tools from ShopUp!

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What services does ShopUp provide?

ShopUp is a comprehensive platform that provides small businesses with various services to support their growth and develop sustainable operations. We focus on helping small businesses succeed by providing them the assistance they need to ensure their future success.

The wide range of services offered by ShopUp includes website design, marketing and consulting; financial assistance through loans and grants; online retail solutions such as payment processing and e-commerce hosting; business coaching services, designed to provide personalized guidance for ambitious entrepreneurs; partnerships and collaborations with other local businesses for mutual benefit; digital training academies to help businesses acquire new skills and stay up-to-date; digital promotion tools to increase visibility in search results as well as other aspects of digital presence, such as social media campaigns.

Ultimately, our mission is to empower small businesses with the necessary support they need to succeed. We are committed to bringing entrepreneurial opportunities within reach of all business sizes, regardless of background or budget constraints. ShopUp provides customised packages that allow small businesses access the specific services they need to achieve their goals.

ShopUp’s Commitment to Small Business Growth

ShopUp, an e-commerce platform that empowers small businesses across Bangladesh, recently secured $75 million in a Series A funding round led by Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures, Prosus and others. This significant investment shows that ShopUp is committed to helping small businesses grow and succeed.

This section will examine how ShopUp plans to use the investment to help small businesses reach their goals.

ShopUp’s mission statement

ShopUp is committed to helping small businesses grow and succeed. We strive to foster a community of small businesses in which owners can access the resources, support, and mentorship they need to reach their goals. In addition, our efforts focus on creating an inclusive marketplace where all legitimate business enterprises can participate on equal footing.

We believe entrepreneurs should be supported through every step of the journey. Therefore, we seek ways to assist by providing guidance and advice from those with years of relevant experience. In addition, ShopUp seeks out both physical and virtual opportunities for growth within the small business community, such as providing affordable marketing solutions or offering mentorships with experienced professionals who can help navigate roadblocks.

At ShopUp, we value collaboration, connection and progress; we understand that when small businesses succeed, our communities are stronger than ever before. To this end, we work hard to facilitate a positive environment where each business owner feels comfortable taking risks and asking questions without fear of judgement or failure. ShopUp wants every business owner’s vision to become realiity!

shopup series ventures 100m singhtechcrunch

ShopUp’s focus on helping small businesses

ShopUp has always been committed to helping small businesses. We understand entrepreneurs’ struggles and want to help in any way possible. Our commitment to small business growth covers technology, Financing, Education and Shop Preservation.

Technology: We offer advanced tools and services that small businesses need to stay competitive in the ever-changing marketplace. We provide access to free digital marketing tools, web design tools, inventory management tools, business automation solutions, analytics tracking and more.

Financing: As a ShopUp customer, you can access financing options tailored for small businesses. With various loan programs available online and through our partners, business owners can quickly obtain the capital without extensive paperwork or delays.

Education: At ShopUp we provide education programs that help entrepreneurs learn how to maximize their success by taking advantage of technology advancements and setting themselves up for long-term success. Our “Business Boot Camp” program is a prime example of our commitment to education – helping smaller businesses brush up on basic skills such as market research and financial management while learning more advanced techniques like leveraging machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence.

Shop Preservation: Our “Buy Local” initiative helps create an environment where consumers value supporting local shops over big box stores and preserve small businesses across all industries nationwide – from coffee shops to mom-and-pop hardware stores – by offering discounts for buying local products across our platforms whenever possible.

At ShopUp we always strive for continuous improvement so that our customers may benefit from better services as well increased opportunities for success as they grow their businesses. Our commitment reflects this passion and promises our steadfast dedication to supporting small businesses now and into the future!

ShopUp’s investment from Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures, Prosus and others

ShopUp, the first ever omnichannel eCommerce platform in Bangladesh, aims to democratize commerce and provide quality service to all small retailers nationwide. By combining point of sale technology with an eCommerce backend, ShopUp bridges the gap between offline and online shopping. Recently, ShopUp closed a Series A funding round led by Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures, with additional investors including Prosus Ventures (formerly Naspers Ventures) and others–raising $21MUSD. This investment is just one of many that underscore ShopUp’s commitment to small businesses.

ShopUp CEO, Nishat Mazumder stated “This new funding from Valar Ventures and our other partners not only provides us with the resources necessary to continue developing our technological solutions for small businesses but also strengthens our stance in the global market as a frontrunner in creating an ecosystem that supports sustainable business growth. We are grateful for their support as we strive to make economic mobility possible for retail merchants throughout Bangladesh and the world.”

With this newfound capital on board, including its numerous merchant base currently serving 55 million people in rural Bangladesh complemented by its networked marketplace of 500K-plus small & local merchants connected to 25 million shoppers within nine years since inception – Shopup is expected take up most Bangladeshi market share within near term–which would allow more people access better prices & services while increasing visibility & options available across supply chain locally & global market access down the line further. By investing resources into technology that simplifies and accelerates onboarding processes while providing payment solutions that offer safety; reliability; convenience; cost efficiency; enablement capacity; HelpMaster support –Shopup help SMEs scale up significantly faster than traditional methods in shorter timespan –bridging existing infrastructural gap obstructing gradual expansion efforts allowing Bangladeshi SMEs level playing field against well established/esteemed firms present regionally as well internationally–while ensuring everyone plays fair game with smooth rules surrounding compliant framework offering adequate protections both locally as well globally which are being actively enforced on daily basis due diligence—-gradually ushering better future ahead!!

Benefits of ShopUp for Small Businesses

ShopUp, a company backed by Peter Thiel’s Valar Ventures, Prosus and others, has recently raised $75 million for its mission of helping small businesses grow and succeed.

In this article, we will look at how ShopUp can help small businesses and how they can use the platform to improve their operations.

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ShopUp’s tools and services

At ShopUp, we are dedicated to helping small businesses succeed. Our easy to use tools, services, and resources provide owners with the information and support they need to grow their business efficiently.

ShopUp offers a powerful catalog of tools and services tailored for small businesses. Through our platform, you can easily manage products from our convenient dashboard, store data securely in the cloud, promote your business through our digital advertising solutions and connect to third-party services for even more powerful tools. We also have a community of volunteers and professionals available online to provide guidance when you need help or advice.

Services like product management make it easy to explore options or organize products across multiple locations while offering integrated payment solutions and real-time inventory tracking ensures you’ll never miss an opportunity to serve customers at the right time. Automate marketing tasks with simple drag & drops campaigns or use analytics & insights gained through robust reporting capabilities to fine-tune your approach as your business grows. With ShopUp, every aspect of small business workflows are streamlined so entrepreneurs can focus on what matters most: growing their business!

ShopUp’s focus on customer service

ShopUp is focused on providing high customer service to small businesses. ShopUp understands that as a business grows and expands, customer service can quickly become an area that is difficult to manage. ShopUp offers various services, from customizing product returns and guiding customers through the buying process, to helping businesses create loyalty programs and analyse customer data. With its suite of powerful tools, ShopUp enables small businesses to provide outstanding customer service, ultimately giving them an edge over their competition.

ShopUp’s platform also provides small businesses with access to real-time performance metrics and analytics that can be used to monitor the success of certain initiatives or campaigns. Businesses have access to comprehensive reporting features which track website visits, number of products sold, average transaction values and much more. ShopUp’s tools help small businesses create successful marketing strategies that reach their target customers more effectively and efficiently. With these insights, small businesses can decide how best to serve their customers’ needs and demands.

Moreover, ShopUp provides an array of support options for all its users — from onboarding assistance for new merchants to hands-on assistance for existing merchants struggling with any aspect of the shop management process. By providing support in this way, Small businesses using the ShopUp platform can rest assured knowing they have all the resources they need, resulting in improved efficiency, reduced stress levels and empowered stakeholders who can easily take control of their online shops.

ShopUp’s commitment to helping small businesses succeed

At ShopUp, we firmly believe that small businesses are deeply rooted in the structure of any society, and therefore should be given the chance to prosper and succeed. With this conviction, ShopUp provides a range of products and services designed to equip small businesses with the necessary tools for success.

From easy access to customer data, inventory tracking and financial management tools to specialized ecommerce solutions that help streamline customer acquisition and conversions, ShopUp offers essential assistance for small business owners — giving them stronger control over their operations while providing transparency into all aspects of their operations. Our suite of services helps equip businesses to make the most informed decisions.

At ShopUp, we strive to provide comprehensive support and resources encompassing all aspects of running a successful business while delivering a one-stop-shop experience with every order. Our dedication to small businesses extends beyond our services through collaborations with experts, plus partnerships with likeminded companies in various industries — all aimed at helping our customers grow and scale their business.

We are passionate about ensuring our customers feel supported at every step throughout their journey with ShopUp. We have dedicated experts available 24/7 across multiple communications channels ready to respond to any queries — big or small — quickly and reliably no matter what time zone you’re in so you can feel confident knowing that your business is in good hands.

Whether you’ve just started or are looking for ways to optimize and enhance your existing operation, ShopUp provides the right support through ample resources, strategic services and a deep commitment designed specifically for helping small businesses thrive!


ShopUp is dedicated to providing small businesses the tools they need to expand and succeed. ShopUp provides its users with an easy-to-use platform, a vast selection of products, and access to thousands of products from around the globe. In addition, ShopUp offers fast delivery, a dedication to customer service, and individualized solutions tailored to your business needs.

The team behind ShopUp is committed to helping small businesses grow in an ever-evolving landscape. With each new update and evolution in their platform technology and supply chain services, ShopUp puts the needs of their customers first. Moreover, they strive to provide the best shopping experience possible while fostering relationships with local traders and artisans.

By dedicating themselves to helping small businesses succeed through their expansive product selection, customer service commitment and ever increasing supplement of platform features – ShopUp is swiftly becoming a driving force within the retail sector that’s changing the game for millenial entrepreneurs.