If you’re looking into playing online casino games, you have probably already heard more than enough advice about staying away from the slots. They are, and this has been confirmed, the least likely place for you to have a win in the casino. And yet we know that more people play slots than any other game in the casino, so all we can do is recommend that you pick the best sites to play them on at wishcasinos.com and wish you good luck. We do understand the games are great fun, and sometimes, you actually do win a fairly nice amount.

In truth, the above isn’t all we can offer when it comes to slots. There are also some tips we can give you to ensure that you are in with a better chance of being the anomaly – the one who wins from gambling while dozens of others leave empty-handed. We can’t guarantee anything because that just isn’t possible. What we can do is help you make the most of your time in front of the slots, and we hope to turn some of those negative experiences into something more positive.

Do Play Progressive Slots and Favor Bigger Bets

If you want to win at online slots, you’re going to have to acknowledge that you have a limited possibility of achieving your goal but accept other realities too. You will have heard that bankroll control is essential in casino betting. It is, but you are still going to have a better shot of winning a decent jackpot if you make bigger bets. If you have twenty credits and the maximum bet is five, you are better off making four max bets than twenty minimum ones. Why? Because bigger bets open up the bonus rounds and other ways to win a jackpot. You might go bust in four spins. But you also might go bust in twenty smaller ones.

Don’t Keep Playing Because “You’ll Win Eventually”

Statistically, if you play a slot for long enough, you’re going to have a win or two. But there are so many variables there that that statement is meaningless. How long is “long enough”? How big are those wins?

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If the eventual outcome is that you spend a lot to win a little, you’re still down on the deal. If you’ve already spent your bankroll and not had a win, don’t exceed your bankroll to try and get back to square one; you’ll just as likely end up losing more.

Do Use Every Bonus You Can Get

Online casinos hand out bonuses to new and returning players, and you may hear that they are packed with terms and conditions. That is true, but free bets with terms and conditions are still more valuable than bets that you have to fund yourself. Take the bonuses and wring from them everything that you can get. It may not be much; it may be nothing, but you start with nothing anyway.

Don’t Play on Lower RTP Slots

There are thousands of slots on the internet, and they all have their own charm. Some slots look prettier or more fun than others. But there is only one thing you should really be looking at – the slot’s Return to Player percentage (RTP%).

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The higher it is, the more chance you stand of walking away with some won money. The one caveat to this is that if you keep losing, it’s worth trying another slot momentarily, even if it has a slightly lower RTP. A change of game can enable a change of mindset that helps you make better decisions.